Oil containment booms

Products Description

Oil spill containment booms are an economical and versatile tool for containment of oil spills and other pollutants floating on the surface of the water.

ECONAD floating containment booms are used for:
  • limiting the spread of pollution on the water surface;
  • containment, movement and ¦recovery of oil in case of oil spills;
  • fencing of oil tankers during cargo operations, thereby providing reliable protection of water areas from pollution;
  • oil containment;
  • Protect ¦coastlines, harbors, rivers, natural reserves from spilled oil;
  • Fencing off the area contaminated with oil products during cleanup.
Product type 500 750 900 1000 1200
Freeboard (mm) 200 260 320 360 380
Skirt (mm) 300 390 460 560 605
Force tension (mm) 8 15 25 40 50
Application Limits
Section length (m) 10/15/20 20 20 20 20
Wind speed, (m/s) 8 15 18 20 20
Section weight, (kg) 45 75 130 195 260
Trawling speed, (kt) 1 2 2 2.5 3
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