Ensure the cleanliness of the environment with


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ProductServices Econad company

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  • Effective tool for prompt liquidation of emergency oil spills and organic pollution;
  • Absolutely natural and ecologically safe product for people and the environment;
  • The oil product sorbent will completely decompose in the natural environment due to the organic peat composition;
  • The sorbent of petroleum products “Ekonadin” has a high absorbing capacity – 100 kg of “Ekonadin”, which is enough to absorb 800 kg of oil. Any liquidation of the oil spill will
  • Available in convenient packaging with bright labeling;
  • Production of sorbents is carried out according to special patented technologies;
  • All documents are provided together with the product, “Ekonadine”;
  • Positive feedback from 300 enterprises of Ukraine;
  • Long term storage – more than 5 years;
  • Delivery in the shortest possible time to any point of Ukraine;
  • Urgent delivery within 24 hours in emergency cases for prompt response to emergency oil spills;
  • Private consultations and recommendations on the use of the tool, taking into account the specifics of the situation or conditions of the enterprise;
  • Flexible discount system for regular customers!
  • sorbents for oil collection, oil sorbent “Econadine”, sorbents for petroleum products and chemicals,
  • bon barriers, barrier barriers, “EkoNad” barrier barrier
  • absorbing caps, napkins and mats for collecting oil, materials for collecting oil products and chemicals
  • oil product skimmer, oil product collection skimmer under the TM “EKONAD”, “XENA”
  • kits for collecting oil and liquidating oil product spills, Ecological first-aid kits “EKONAD”
  • Containers for storing petroleum products

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Liquidation of oil spills, cleaning watersoil from oil products

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Belt Skimmers

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