Why is oil called black gold?
Oil definitely has similarities with the precious metal, even though oil is liquid and gold is solid.
Both oil and gold are minerals found in the bowels of the earth. To find and get them, you need to make a huge effort. Moreover, the number of both fossils is limited. Both oil and gold are non-renewable resources. Therefore, they require a reasonable, balanced and careful attitude.
Both oil and gold are of great value. Gold is like a financial instrument. Oil as a source of energy. At the same time, both oil and gold are also used in industry.
At certain periods of our history, gold became the cause of the phenomenon, which was called the “gold rush”. People from different parts of the earth gathered in a certain place, which, according to rumors, was rich in gold.
Because of oil, as well as because of gold, there have been and are many conflicts. Up to open wars between entire states.
Both oil and gold play an extremely important role in the modern world. They are the source of stability and prosperity. Oil can be exchanged for gold, and gold for oil. Although direct exchange, as a rule, is not carried out, but indirectly, with certain reservations, this is quite possible.
Entire trading empires are built on the extraction and sale of oil. In the same way, many trading empires are built on the extraction and sale of gold. This was true in ancient times. This remains true even today.