Oil spill response
“Econad” provides consulting services aimed at increasing the efficiency of oil and petroleum spills cleanup in open seas, marine and fishery ports, industrial water bodies, soil surfaces, concrete structures, and other areas.
The methods used for the quickest possible elimination of the spill consequences greatly depend on the degree of pollution, elapsed time, weather conditions, depth of oil and petroleum product penetration (for soils), and other factors. The effectiveness of the methods used in each specific case largely depends on the level of preparation of the personnel performing the cleanup work.
The “Econad” specialists are always ready to go to the accident site and help determine the most effective method of cleanup in a given situation. In case the means for emergency spill response are not available at the site or are insufficient, we can always provide the products of our own production for use, such as the “Econadin” biopreparation, “Econad” sorbent beans, and various sorbent materials.
“Econad” is also ready to conduct training for the personnel of your enterprise so that in a critical situation, all cleanup work is performed at the highest level and in the shortest possible time.