Our history


Our history

ECONAD was founded in 1991.

In 2002, “ECONAD” participated in joint international bilateral command and staff exercises of the Ukrainian-Polish working group “Mostiska Strazha-2002” on emergency pollution of border waters with oil. In 2003-2004, “ECONAD” took part in international exercises for communication officers and experts of participating countries of the BSEC (Black Sea Economic Cooperation), where the ECONAD biotechnologies were demonstrated for localizing and eliminating oil pollution in water bodies and soil.

Important events in the history of "ECONAD":

  1. In 2005, “ECONAD” launched production of emergency kits for collecting oil products under its own trade mark “Ecological First Aid Kit,” becoming the first company in Ukraine to do so.
  2. In 2011, “ECONAD” began developing and producing booms of various modifications.
  3. In 2012, “ECONAD” expanded its list of emergency kits (under the “Ecological First Aid Kit” trademark) and introduced emergency kits for the collection of organic and inorganic chemical pollutants.
  4. In 2012, “ECONAD” started producing skimmers for removing oil/fat/petroleum products from the surface of water.
  5. In 2013, “ECONAD” expanded its product range by launching a line of cleaning agents for a wide range of applications.

More than 50 scientific articles in journals, materials of international symposiums and conferences have been published from the research work carried out by “ECONAD”.

Biotechnologies developed by ECONAD were awarded with medals, diplomas, certificates of a number of regional, all-Ukrainian and international exhibitions:

  • Exhibition dedicated to the 5th anniversary of Ukraine’s independence in 1996, Kiev, Ukraine;
  • 2nd regional scientific and technical exhibition “Prospects of the XXI”, 2000, Odessa;
  • International exhibition “EXPO-2000”, Hannover, Germany;
  • Scientific and technical exhibition “Ecological regatta, 2001, Odessa;
  • Hannover Messe International Exhibition, Hannover, Germany;
  • Science exhibition “Production”, 2002, Odessa;
  • International exhibition and symposium of ideas and investments “Millennium”, 2002, Odessa;
  • National fairs with international participation “Ecology 2000-2004”, Kyiv;
  • 5th Pan-European Conference of Ministers of the Environment “Environment for Europe”, Kiev.

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