
Methods and emergency measures for oil spill response

Localization of oil products and crude oil spills Booms are the means of localization and liquidation of oil and oil products spills in water areas. Important functions of booms are: prevention of oil spreading on the water surface, reduction of oil product concentration to facilitate cleanup, and trawling (diversion) of oil away from environmentally sensitive areas. Barrier...

Sorbents and biopreparations for elimination of sea oil pollution

Soloviev V.I.Scientific and Production Enterprise "Econad", Odesa, UkraineGubanov V.V.Odesa Branch of the Southern Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and OceanographyKozhanova G.A., Gudzenko T.V.Odesa National University named after I.I. Mechnikov Oil pollution is one of the most massive and dangerous in its consequences manifestations of anthropogenic impact on natural ecosystems. The waters of rivers, lakes and the...

Measure seven times

Advertising illusions and real prospects for the use of oil sorbents From year to year all over the world there is an increase in the number and scale of environmental incidents associated with spills of oil and oil products, which are increasingly polluting our planet. One of the effective ways to prevent and eliminate oil spills...

Drilling platforms

Among all engineering creations, drilling platforms are Gullivers, in comparison with which even large ships seem like midgets. Modern structures weighing more than half a million tons, capable of drilling wells up to 10-13 km and created by human hands! The largest platforms are recognized: The TROLL-A reinforced concrete industrial platform is the world's heaviest man-made object...

History of oil production. Part 1

Approximately 3 thousand years BC. e. The inhabitants of the Middle East are beginning to use oil as fuel, for the manufacture of weapons, for lamps and building materials (bitumen, asphalt). Oil was collected from the surface of open reservoirs. AD 347 e. In China, for the first time, wells were drilled in the ground to...

History of oil production. Part 2

1870 - the first experience of creating an oil monopoly. 1877. For the first time in the world, Russia is starting to use tankers to deliver oil from Baku fields to Astrakhan. 1886. German engineers Karl Benz, Wilhelm Daimler created a car powered by a gasoline engine. 1905. The first large-scale fire in non-oil fields occurred in Baku. 1908....

Oil products

Petroleum products are mixtures of hydrocarbons, as well as individual chemical compounds obtained from oil and petroleum gases. Oil products include various types of fuel (gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene, etc.), lubricants, electrical insulating media, solvents, petrochemical raw materials. Petroleum products are obtained as a result of a chemical process - the distillation of oil, from which substances...

History of oil production. Part 3

1973. First oil embargo. 1975. The US Congress decided to create a strategic oil reserve in the country in order to reduce the dependence of the economy on export oil in the future. 1981. OPEC countries have reduced oil production by about a quarter compared to 1978. Oil prices have doubled. 1982. OPEC countries set oil production quotas...

Oil refining products

Crude oil is practically not used. It is cleaned and recycled. There is primary and secondary oil refining. Initial oil refining is distillation, as a result of which oil products are divided into components: liquefied gas; gasolines (automobile and aviation); jet fuel; kerosene; diesel fuel (solar oil); fuel oil. The first five types of petroleum products are fuel. And fuel oil is processed...

How are they looking for oil?

The first stage is called joking. First I joke about promising areas - pasta. For this majestic territory, they are furnished with ultra-modern methods: they are photographed from space, “shine through” with seismic winds, and are heard with special devices. Fahіvtsі fold up maps and paint geological cuts of the earth's crust, on which one can...