
ECONADIN: The Natural Oil Absorbent Revolutionizing Oil Spill Elimination

In today's world, where environmental consciousness is paramount, finding innovative and eco-friendly solutions for oil spill elimination is of utmost importance. Enter ECONADIN, a unique natural oil biosorbent that's changing the game when it comes to addressing oil spills and pollution. In this article, we will explore the remarkable properties and versatile applications of this...

Black Sea Training Center

Chernomorsk Training Center under the auspices of the company "Ekonad" is planning to conduct exciting trainings and please you with a new educational program! Recall that the "Black Sea Training Center for Oil Spill Response" was established to research and develop effective technologies for oil spill response; holding conferences, seminars, trainings on a given topic.

Econad company

Successfully operating for more than 25 years. Provides a wide range of the most necessary products for cleaning up oil products: booms, sorbents, cleaners. Our company is the only developer and manufacturer of the universal organic sorbent-biodestructor of oil hydrocarbons - the biopreparation "Econadin". Econad employees are a team of professionals with many years of experience in the...

Our history

ECONAD was founded in 1991. In 2002, "ECONAD" participated in joint international bilateral command and staff exercises of the Ukrainian-Polish working group "Mostiska Strazha-2002" on emergency pollution of border waters with oil. In 2003-2004, "ECONAD" took part in international exercises for communication officers and experts of participating countries of the BSEC (Black Sea Economic Cooperation), where...

Oil Cleaning Guard

Oil Cleaning Guard is an innovative giant device, whose task is to prevent the spread of oil movement on the surface of the water in the event of its leakage. At the same time, water is purified from oil or oil products and, as a result, an environmental catastrophe is prevented. In addition, the Oil Cleaning...

Unusual methods of water purification from oil

Oleo Sponge is a new type of special sponge that quickly absorbs various oil products. The sponge is based on universal polyurethane foam, which is great for absorbing liquids. However, in order for the material to absorb only oil, a thin layer of oleophilic material was added to it. Now it is enough to put...

How oil is produced

Perhaps, when many of us hear about oil production, they remember the harsh Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck from the movie Armageddon. However, those years have already passed when brutal men, stained with oil, almost manually pumped "black gold" from the well.‍🔧💪 Modern wells are powerful pumps that on the surface look like a row...

Oil Containment Booms

Booms are special equipment for localization, movement and collection of oil products in case of its emergency spills, thereby providing reliable protection of water areas from pollution. ECONAD booms are used for: protection of coastlines, natural reserves from spilled oil products; limiting the spread of oil on water during spills and clean-up operations; moving and collecting oil in case...

Ecological first aid kit

"Ecological first aid kit" from the company "Econad" is a compact and mobile set of necessary tools for the prompt and high-quality collection of spilled petroleum products. First aid kits are required for: liquidation of spills and oil leaks; quick collection of oil and oil products from the surface of soil, asphalt, stone; preventing oil from entering storm drains. Basically,...

Environmentally friendly fuel

As you know, oil is a limited resource. According to the latest estimates, in a few decades, "black gold" will almost completely disappear from the bowels of the Earth. However, this is not a reason to be upset, because modern technologies do not stand still, and alternative fuels are already being used in advanced countries. The...