The worst accidents on drilling platforms

The worst accidents on drilling platforms

  1. The accident on the Deepwater Horizon oil platform that occurred on April 20, 2010 in the Gulf of Mexico has been recognized as the world’s largest environmental disaster to date. The explosion and fire on the platform killed 11 and injured 17 people. Over 152 days of fighting the consequences of the accident, about 5 million barrels of oil spilled into the water, the oil slick reached 75 thousand square kilometers.
  2. On March 16, 2001, an R-56, the largest oil platform in the world, exploded off the coast of Brazil. 10 oil workers were killed. On March 20, after a series of devastating explosions, the platform sank, causing irreparable damage to the environment.
  3. In March 1980, the Norwegian drilling platform Alexander Keilland broke apart and capsized in the North Sea. Of the 212 people who were on the platform, 123 died. According to experts, the cause of the disaster is “metal fatigue.” It is very difficult to completely clean the environment from oil products, but with the help of special sorbents and equipment from Econad, you can significantly reduce the damage caused to nature!

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