Pollution ground
Petroleum hydrocarbons are among the most common pollutants of the environment, particularly soil, in areas of oil production, transportation, processing, and manufacturing where crude oil or petroleum products are used as raw materials.
Soil contamination leads to significant environmental and economic damage: agricultural crop yields decline, productivity of forest resources decreases, large areas are removed from agricultural use, and the environmental sanitation deteriorates.
The complex of measures proposed by the scientific-production enterprise “EKONAD” consists of several stages of work: cleaning up petroleum products and restoring the productivity and economic value of damaged and polluted land, as well as improving the environmental conditions in accordance with the interests of society and enterprises.
The comprehensive biotechnology includes the following microbiological methods: introduction of bacterial sorbent “Econadin,” biomass of oil-degrading bacteria, stimulation of the development of indigenous oil-oxidizing microflora.
The cleanup of petroleum products is carried out in accordance with the “Methodological recommendations for the use of biotechnological methods for remediation of oil-contaminated lands” developed by specialists of “EKONAD” and approved by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and the State Committee for Land Resources.
The unique properties of the biopreparation “Econadin” and “Econadin” biotechnologies provide the possibility of conducting bioremediation without removing the soil, directly at the site of contamination, which significantly reduces the cost of the process.
- Participation in a comprehensive examination of the object.
- Development of a project for the elimination of oil contamination of soil and its approval. Submission of biotechnological proposals for soil remediation.
- Monitoring of work throughout the implementation of the project. Conducting chemical, bacteriological, phytotoxic, soil and other analyses throughout the entire duration of the work.
- Provision of the bacterial preparation “Econadin” and a rare culture of oil product degrading bacteria. The cost of the specified work is determined by an estimate after receiving a specific technical task. Questions regarding the provision of technical means, labor for soil processing, etc. are discussed separately. The cost of the preparation is negotiable.
Our specialists are always ready to provide advisory assistance and go to the object to assess the situation and develop the most optimal solutions for the problem.