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Econad company

Successfully operating for more than 25 years. Provides a wide range of the most necessary products for cleaning up oil products: booms, sorbents, cleaners. Our company is the only developer and manufacturer of the universal organic sorbent-biodestructor of oil hydrocarbons - the biopreparation "Econadin". Econad employees are a team of professionals with many years of experience in the...


How are they looking for oil?

The first stage is called joking. First I joke about promising areas - pasta. For this majestic territory, they are furnished with ultra-modern methods: they are photographed from space, “shine through” with seismic winds, and are heard with special devices. Fahіvtsі fold up maps and paint geological cuts of the earth's crust, on which one can...


Countries with the largest oil reserves

Venezuela - proven oil reserves (barrels): 297.7 billion barrels. The country remains heavily dependent on oil revenues, accounting for approximately 96% of export earnings, about 40% of government revenues and 11% of GDP. Saudi Arabia - oil reserves (barrels): 268.4 billion The country was the largest player in the oil market last year. Last November, Saudi...


Our history

ECONAD was founded in 1991. In 2002, "ECONAD" participated in joint international bilateral command and staff exercises of the Ukrainian-Polish working group "Mostiska Strazha-2002" on emergency pollution of border waters with oil. In 2003-2004, "ECONAD" took part in international exercises for communication officers and experts of participating countries of the BSEC (Black Sea Economic Cooperation), where...